Entries by Amanda Turner

Feeling Overwhelmed? Stop Multi-Tasking

Are you a multi-tasker? I wore the ability to multi-task as a badge of honour for many years, I even chided my husband for not being able to do multiple things at once. That is until I discovered his approach of mono-tasking was better. Multi-tasking gives you the illusion of productivity when it, in reality, makes you less productive.

How to Maintain Culture in a Virtual Environment

Organizational culture change is a big topic. I usually work with organizations that want to change their culture. Like the professional services company that used a physical move as the catalyst toward a more team-based, collaborative, and cross-functional culture.

There is another aspect of culture that doesn’t get much attention—what do you do to maintain culture? That was a question a senior executive in a major law firm asked when we were talking about leading and managing in a virtual environment.

A Conversation with Entegra Credit Union

Today we are going to share how one company is taking change management from just another item on a to do list to integrating into their leadership practice.