Entries by Amanda Turner

A Conversation with Dr. Carlos Largacha-Martinez

Join Dr. Turner and Dr. Carlos Largarcha-Martinez as they discuss humanistic management.

About Carlos:
Carlos Largacha-Martinez is an award-winning consultant by the HBR/McKinsey M-Prize: Leaders Everywhere for the Scottish firm Energeticos-Woodgroup’s business case.

A Conversation with Lynda Harris

Join Dr. Turner and Lynda Harris in this month’s Conversation on Change. This month’s topic is about plain language. You may be wondering what plain language has to do with organizational change – a lot actually. The ability to tell your story, share information, and exchange ideas so that people understand, don’t mis-interpret and connect is critical to enable change.

The Critical Step Missing from Most Training Programs

You have written the learning objectives, created the content, designed the training materials, and scheduled the training. You’re all set. Nothing is left but to deliver the training.

But wait. Have you accounted for the unlearning?

A Conversation with Michael Frisina

Join Dr. Turner and Michael Frisinia in this month’s conversation on change as they discuss the role of leadership before, during and after crisis.

How Anxiety Sabotages Training and Inhibits Change

Is training one of the first things you think about when launching a change in your organization? If you said yes, you’re not alone. A training program to effect change intuitively makes sense – teach people how to do the new activity (use the new software, make sales calls etc.) and they will do it. However, training is not enough to ensure your employees will stick with the new activity and make it become the normal activity.

Leaders who expect training to carry the people side of any change are often disappointed and frustrated when the training fails to deliver the expected results. In 2015 it was estimated companies in the United States spent $356 billion globally on training and didn’t get a return on that investment.