The Power of a Readiness Mindset
Many leaders and most articles talk about a particular person or group of people as “being resistant to change.” It is viewed as an inevitable part of the change process or a personality or group trait. I frequently hear leaders say, “I like change, but my employees don’t.” As if they are somehow different or more agreeable to change than their employees.

When Do You Use Change Management?
You probably think that the only time you need change management is during a major project. But it's exactly that reason that so many leaders struggle to get changes adopted.

Using Mindfulness to Navigate Change
When I bring up the idea of mindfulness with my clients, I can still get a few eye rolls. I have had leaders refer to it as fluffy or soft. Although I have noticed that’s been changing over the past few years.
One reason for the change is the overwhelming amount of evidence demonstrating the concrete benefits of mindfulness. The economic and human benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace are hard to ignore.

What Happens When You Ask Your Team To Do More With Less
It's easier than leaders think to fall into the trap of acceleration. And once there, it can be challenging to get out. Falling into the trap starts with the belief that the organization needs to stay in the flux of change to grow constantly. The result is that leaders take on more projects and attempt to move faster to achieve success.