A Conversation with Entegra Credit Union
Today we are going to share how one company is taking change management from just another item on a to do list to integrating into their leadership practice.

A Conversation with Dr. Carlos Largacha-Martinez
Join Dr. Turner and Dr. Carlos Largarcha-Martinez as they discuss humanistic management.
About Carlos:
Carlos Largacha-Martinez is an award-winning consultant by the HBR/McKinsey M-Prize: Leaders Everywhere for the Scottish firm Energeticos-Woodgroup’s business case.

A Conversation with Lynda Harris
Join Dr. Turner and Lynda Harris in this month's Conversation on Change. This month's topic is about plain language. You may be wondering what plain language has to do with organizational change – a lot actually. The ability to tell your story, share information, and exchange ideas so that people understand, don’t mis-interpret and connect is critical to enable change.

The Critical Step Missing from Most Training Programs
You have written the learning objectives, created the content, designed the training materials, and scheduled the training. You’re all set. Nothing is left but to deliver the training.
But wait. Have you accounted for the unlearning?

A Conversation with Michael Frisina
Join Dr. Turner and Michael Frisinia in this month's conversation on change as they discuss the role of leadership before, during and after crisis.