The Hidden Risk of Change Management Tools and Templates
In an age where there is an app for everything, it’s not surprising there is a tendency to view using change management tools and templates as managing change. However, just like that new time management app won’t solve your time management issues, change management tools and techniques are not enough to ensure organizational change success.

Six Actions to Create a Culture of Readiness for Change
Resistance to change has become embedded in almost everyone's vocabulary. Pick up nearly any article or book on change management, and it will include information about how to manage resistance to change. In our courses and all of my client work, managing resistance is the number one area of concern or question.

The Most Important Part of your Change Management Plan
I still hear leaders say, "we can't involve everyone; our organization is too large," or "we don't have the time to involve everyone." These and other similar statements reflect a belief that the involvement of the people affected is optional. It is not.