Conversations about Climate: How Change Management Can Bridge the Divide
Social media, newspapers, news feeds, television — anywhere you look, you’ll find something about climate change and the devastating effects it is having around the world. Close to home, shifting weather patterns — record-breaking floods in Ontario, tornadoes in the mid-western U.S., droughts and devastating wild fires along the west coast of the U.S. and Canada — have created a stark reality.
And yet, the debate about whether global warming and climate change are real continues. For someone like me, who looks to science to guide my thinking, it’s hard to understand how there can be any debate.

How to help your employees when positions are being deleted, but they’re not being let go
Twenty years ago I used to like Diet Coke. I drank it almost like water. I don't drink it anymore, but that's another story. When I went to a restaurant and asked for a Diet Coke and they served me Diet Pepsi I would grumble.