Entries by Amanda Turner

Align Your Environment to Promote Your Change

If you want people to adopt new activities and achieve your outcome with greater ease, your corporate environment must align with the desired behaviours and actions.

Lead Change as a New Leader Without Resistance

One challenge for new leaders when it comes to organizational change is balancing their desire to demonstrate their ability to lead with the capacity and readiness of the people they are leading.

That’s why, when I coach new leaders who are excited to make changes to an established department or organization, I start with three questions…

Is Your Reorganization Really Done?

I haven’t met many people who look forward to reorganizations. They are one of the most challenging and disruptive times for people.

Three Actions to Reduce the Stress of Change

Change is hard, and it will naturally trigger a stress response. However, when you discover how to navigate change and work with your change response, you can reduce your stress. It is possible to feel in control even when you are not making all the decisions.